The Joker, The Movie

Todd Phillips I love a good comic book movie. This one was different; it was sad and had no action packed super hero battles. It showed the story of the permanent victim, one Arthur Fleck, who is at the mercy of his boss, his peers, his society, and most importantly the rich as embodied by Thomas ...


Pete Docter / Kemp Powers – Disney/Pixar Soul is a powerful movie about a jazz musician who passes away but refuses to go peacefully away to the “great beyond”. It is essentially a story about life and how wonderful and precious it is; we should not linger and waste the one chance we get to live ...

Iron Man 2

Marvel Studios, Jon Favreau Far too often in entertainment, government provided security is shown to be the harbinger of order and peace. Shows like Law and Order, Cops, Dragnet, CSI, NYPD Blue, and many others portray the virtue of government provided security/arbitration services as the only thing keeping us from chaos and disorder. Never is it ...