
How do we actually kill jobs?

Rakkur There was a recent speech in which Jesse Jackson, Democratic Congressman from Illinois, focused on a recent technological advancement concerning flat, touchscreen monitors which have computers and which allow users to go online, read books, run applications, and otherwise increase their enjoyment and productivity.… Read More »How do we actually kill jobs?

Iron Man 2

Marvel Studios, Jon Favreau Far too often in entertainment, government provided security is shown to be the harbinger of order and peace. Shows like Law and Order, Cops, Dragnet, CSI, NYPD Blue, and many others portray the virtue of government provided security/arbitration services as the… Read More »Iron Man 2

The Paradox of Trade

Rakkur I think a lot of the misunderstandings about the market and human behavior stem from a misconception of what’s called the “paradox of exchange”. This paradox has puzzled economists throughout the ages. Adam Smith and all the classical economists, incredibly important as their contributions… Read More »The Paradox of Trade